Thursday, October 9, 2008

His Own World

It took me 3 seconds to take this shot (my luckiest shot and most priceless photo to date).I usually take photos in RAW but this was taken in Jpeg out of a hurry. I glanced and saw that my kid(the kid assigned to me while we were in the park) was about to chase the pigeons on the ground so I turned around, turn my camera on,still the previous setting form the photo I took before this, took all the frames my cam can offer, and crossing my fingers, hoping to get 1 good shot. I got 1.
The Story:
My school(International Academy of Beijing) specifically the 7th grade middle school students went to Kaifeng, China and had the chance to visit the deaf school for kids as one of the itinerary for the trip. I wasn't expecting it to be this memorable. Each of us were assigned a kid to be the big brother for a day. They did a sign language with a song in Chinese that meant "Thank you from the bottom of my heart". I couldn't hold back the tears under my sunglasses as they were trying their best to please us (not to mention the drooling while they were doing the hand signals to convey the message). Sounds funny but deep with in me I was thankful to God that he has given me such privilege to live a "normal life", have a family that loves and supports me and at the end of the day, I can creep into a comfortable bed. Yes, these kids had the exact opposite to what I have. and to those who has parents among them, they don't get to see them after a year. These are kids aged 3-7. We had the chance to bring them to a park a mile away from their school and treated them at KFC for lunch, it was the first time for "my kid" to go to that park and eat at KFC; He's 7 yrs old. This is where I took this priceless shot. After lunch we left for another city. The kids didn't want us to go and broke in tears to see us leave, we didn't have a choice. I was humbled.

Strobist Info:
Natural Light with CPL attached to lens 77mm
Aperture: f7.1
Shutter Speed: 1/160

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